After three trips to DC in the past 6 months to try and start this drug trial, I am pleased to announce that today Fred had his first vaccine. So far he is tolerating the vaccine well. We have spent about 8 hours a day for the past 3 days having all kinds for tests and interviews.
Friday, Sept. 14 we flew to DC. Saturday Skip and Sandra came and picked us up and we spent the weekend with them. Monday morning they had an appointment here so we rode in with them. Tomorrow we head back home. All in all everything has gone pretty smoothly this trip. It is great to have our own wheel chair.
In two weeks we will be back our next appointment. After that it will be every 30 days. It is good to know what our schedule will be for the next 7 months or so.
Just a few days before we left last week we learned that Fred's insurance will pay for my plane tickets plus meals and lodging that NIH does not cover. God is taking such good care of us. Now we just need to learn how to fill out all the right paper work. The insurance office in Alaska has never had anyone traveling to DC for a drug trial before. We are all learning as we go. All the paperwork is different now that Fred is retired from the Army.