Friday, August 10, 2007

Marie's haircut

My hair has been driving me nuts. You see the last real haircut I had was in May or June. I keep trimming it up myself every couple of weeks and getting by. Last Friday I bought a pair of kid’s paper scissors, they are pretty sharp with about a 2.5 inch blade. After I washed my hair I started trimming and that soon turned into seriously cutting of what I could reach. I even considered coaching Fred on cutting the back, but I chickened out on that idea. When I quit, it felt better, well I felt better.

Then yesterday I woke up with a haircut on my mind… Maybe it is those 100+ temperatures. Maybe it is that my life has slowed down enough to notice my hair. Anyway, I was ready to find a haircut. I looked in the base directory and there were 2 barber shops. I called one and they said that they would only cut woman’s hair. Hummmmm… After Fred and Sandy’s treatments we went to the BX and I sat in the barber shop for 5 -10 minutes waiting while the women barber gave a young sailor a “high and tight”. Skip came in and asked me how I was doing. I said I thought it would be ok. He gave me a big smile and said they would wait for me in the store. I kept looking around and only saw clippers, no scissors. This might not be good. I do not want to tell her that I don’t trust her. She is almost done with that haircut……..ok, I am out of here.

Everyone was sooo glad that I had changed my mind. I put up with haircut jokes and “changing your mind” comments for the rest of the day. They were very happy to take me downtown and find a hair cut. We found a shop right away. I got a very nice hair cut from a beautician name Maria. Nothing feels as great as a good hair cut.


Anonymous said...

I am glad you got a good haircut, next up a Project!!

Love you!


Unknown said...

Hi Marie! I just got a haircut yesterday. The cut is fine but my hair is the shortest it's been since I was an infant...not the best look for me. Keeps me humble, right? Guess I need to be a little clearer with what I want!

Our children surprised Wes & I with an anniversary gift of all being here for a week. Luke has been home almost a month and Katie & Elijah's was planned, but Peter & Erin were a TOTAL surprise. We had a great SHORT week all together. Good memories!

You & Fred have been on my heart. Know this is not the best of times for you but am praying you are experiencing God's love & grace moment by moment.

Were you aware that Harvey Bowers' cancer has spread? It's in his abdomen and prognosis is not good. He is having bio-chemo treatment in Houston. Wes has Sandy's email address if you feel up to "talking" to her. I can't imagine going through this without having a close relationship with God.
Take care...
with love, Karen